Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day Two

It was the end of day two but too exhausted to blog so I am cheating and blogging the morning of day 3

Day 2 was typical organized chaos in Haiti.
God's light was revealed and shined bright. He is ever faithful!!!

The main mission today was to get medical help for two elderly. With God's grace, we were able to get help for one.

We had an elder woman who is immobile and had maggots in her bed sore along with fleas and ants. Thankfully we were able to partner with Global Outreach, another mission organization and provide medical help for the wound. Give spiritual help to the soul and lots of love to the woman, Antonia.

It really is all about sharing God's love and caring for these elderly. Medical help is necessary, but spiritual impact is really the ever lasting focus.

God's light shined bright because today in only ways God can orchestrate, we were able to connect with Global Outreach and another mission group, New Life Children's Home. All work with elderly in some form or fashion in the village of Titanyen. I forsee God working in amazing ways to coordinate all three of us to make an even greater impact with the elderly. All in God's glory and timing!

It's a new day dawning - God is faithful - do we really need more than that?

1 comment:

  1. Susan
    I'm so relieved that you found help for Antonia via Global Outreach. I've been praying for Antonia after seeing her last week. And I'm crying in gratitude now that she is receiving care.
    God Bless you,
    Joyce Getchell
