Mickey cooked an American Thanksgiving Haitian style for all of us. I think the cook Fone'se was afraid to try the food!!! Everyone tried and everyone enjoyed -- the dressing and cranberries were a hit! We also found out that fried Turkey Spam is not all that bad!
Today we delivered mattresses to our Haitian workers - just another symbol of how we expect our workers to help others when they -themselves - have so little. Last August we delivered bed mattresses to every elder who did not have one. Every elder now has a mattress -- but our Haitian workers, Andrenoi and HenryClaude - did not have a mattress to sleep on. Now they do.
We ended the day at one of the metal factory areas. It is so humbling to see beautiful artwork created by hand - the hard way - they literally cut and pound by hand all the metal work. Then, they paint by hand the beautiful pieces. We purchased some pieces to bring back for a Healing Haiti elder fund raiser - we hope everyone is as much in love with them as we are...
Tomorrow is back to the states - we are pleasantly exhausted and ready to brainstorm for our next visit with the elderly in February!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wednesday, Nov. 23 - the day before Thanksgiving
We have so much to be thankful for today. God has blessed Mickey and I by allowing us to be in Haiti to do his work. Today, one of the elders who did not have Jesus in her heart asked us to pray the salvation prayer with her.
She told us that because of our love for her she sees Jesus and wants him in her life. We are only the messengers and God is truly doing amazing things in the Haitian elders lives. God is so generous because he allows us to be part of this.
This experience really showed - it's not about the "stuff" we bring and give. To cement this thought, our Haitian workers, Andrenoi and HenryClaude worked with Mickey and I to devise a plan to help our elderly that are capable of working. They will be able to borrow money to start a business so they can eventually help support themselves. We are going to be talking about this in the November news letter -so stay tuned. Currently, several of the elderly are attempting to start a business or have a business already.
We currently have two elderly that are very ill - please pray for Edmond and Izna that God will ease their suffering in this less than forgiving land and that they may lean into his love.
We also want to share a story about how Haitians have little but selflessly share with others as if it is the most natural thing to do. We ashamedly just had an "aha" moment on this trip that we should provide a lunch for our Haitian workers and driver. They often go without food for days just like our elders. We asked if either Andrenoi or HenryClaude had eaten yet this particular day (it was around 1 p.m. and we had been working since 7:30 a.m.) with much prying, they said they had not. Mickey and I insisted we buy them a lunch of rice, beans and chicken. As we sat with them and they ate their lunch, we noticed Andrenoi only eat half -he then reached out and gave an emaciated woman (a stranger) his other half of the meal since she was obviously hungry.
This experience brings me to tears and simply exemplifies why we are here in Haiti - to be God's hands and feet. When we sometimes forget and stumble, the Haitians remind us what Jesus with skin on looks like.
We have so much to be thankful for today. God has blessed Mickey and I by allowing us to be in Haiti to do his work. Today, one of the elders who did not have Jesus in her heart asked us to pray the salvation prayer with her.
She told us that because of our love for her she sees Jesus and wants him in her life. We are only the messengers and God is truly doing amazing things in the Haitian elders lives. God is so generous because he allows us to be part of this.
This experience really showed - it's not about the "stuff" we bring and give. To cement this thought, our Haitian workers, Andrenoi and HenryClaude worked with Mickey and I to devise a plan to help our elderly that are capable of working. They will be able to borrow money to start a business so they can eventually help support themselves. We are going to be talking about this in the November news letter -so stay tuned. Currently, several of the elderly are attempting to start a business or have a business already.
We currently have two elderly that are very ill - please pray for Edmond and Izna that God will ease their suffering in this less than forgiving land and that they may lean into his love.
We also want to share a story about how Haitians have little but selflessly share with others as if it is the most natural thing to do. We ashamedly just had an "aha" moment on this trip that we should provide a lunch for our Haitian workers and driver. They often go without food for days just like our elders. We asked if either Andrenoi or HenryClaude had eaten yet this particular day (it was around 1 p.m. and we had been working since 7:30 a.m.) with much prying, they said they had not. Mickey and I insisted we buy them a lunch of rice, beans and chicken. As we sat with them and they ate their lunch, we noticed Andrenoi only eat half -he then reached out and gave an emaciated woman (a stranger) his other half of the meal since she was obviously hungry.
This experience brings me to tears and simply exemplifies why we are here in Haiti - to be God's hands and feet. When we sometimes forget and stumble, the Haitians remind us what Jesus with skin on looks like.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tuesday - Nov. 22.
Today we have internet access again and wanted to take advantage of letting you all know what we have been doing.
Monday and Tuesday we have been helping our Haitian elder care workers deliver food, medicine and blankets (made by some amazing women back in the states).
The elderly are so very appreciative. They praise God and do not glorify us - because we are only the conduits for God's goodness.
Here are some of the comments: "Prayer is like coffee" "God is like syrup" "Prayer is like a drink" "Prayer is my food and my drink" etc....
Here are some Highlights:
We visited Pierre for whom women back in the states donated material, scissors, thread etc... - He now has his own business and is a humble servant working to make an income. He was sewing when we arrived. We are now helping him think of people or organizations that could purchase his sewing for sheets, uniforms, clothes etc... We plan on bringing patterns back for him to expand his "line of clothing and merchandise".
Antoine is very appreciative of his sponsors giving money so he could go to the doctor. He is breathing much better and looks much healthier than when we were here in August. A sponsor gave money to buy him a goat so he will add that to his animal "farm" and hope to breed the goat for kids to sell and earn an income.
Angeline is a beautiful woman who we found sitting naked in her own waste when we were here in August. An amazing woman stepped up to pay two other elder sisters to visit Angeline three times a week and clean her, dress her and feed her. Angeline sparkled and beamed when we arrived. She was clean, fed and praising God!
Two elders, Maricia and Lindor, were given goats by their sponsors and they now have twins babies. Both Maricia and Lindor are better off because they can earn an income by continuing to breed the goats and eventually sell them.
The stories are positively endless but I want all the faithful sponsors to know they are making a difference. If you have not yet made a commitment to sponsor an elder and would like to - please contact me so you can see profiles of these amazing people and read a bit of their story. - susan tag face book - 612-308-3018.
God bless.
Today we have internet access again and wanted to take advantage of letting you all know what we have been doing.
Monday and Tuesday we have been helping our Haitian elder care workers deliver food, medicine and blankets (made by some amazing women back in the states).
The elderly are so very appreciative. They praise God and do not glorify us - because we are only the conduits for God's goodness.
Here are some of the comments: "Prayer is like coffee" "God is like syrup" "Prayer is like a drink" "Prayer is my food and my drink" etc....
Here are some Highlights:
We visited Pierre for whom women back in the states donated material, scissors, thread etc... - He now has his own business and is a humble servant working to make an income. He was sewing when we arrived. We are now helping him think of people or organizations that could purchase his sewing for sheets, uniforms, clothes etc... We plan on bringing patterns back for him to expand his "line of clothing and merchandise".
Antoine is very appreciative of his sponsors giving money so he could go to the doctor. He is breathing much better and looks much healthier than when we were here in August. A sponsor gave money to buy him a goat so he will add that to his animal "farm" and hope to breed the goat for kids to sell and earn an income.
Angeline is a beautiful woman who we found sitting naked in her own waste when we were here in August. An amazing woman stepped up to pay two other elder sisters to visit Angeline three times a week and clean her, dress her and feed her. Angeline sparkled and beamed when we arrived. She was clean, fed and praising God!
Two elders, Maricia and Lindor, were given goats by their sponsors and they now have twins babies. Both Maricia and Lindor are better off because they can earn an income by continuing to breed the goats and eventually sell them.
The stories are positively endless but I want all the faithful sponsors to know they are making a difference. If you have not yet made a commitment to sponsor an elder and would like to - please contact me so you can see profiles of these amazing people and read a bit of their story. - susan tag face book - 612-308-3018.
God bless.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Nov. 20 -- Today Mickey and I arrived in Haiti to do a "quarterly maintenance run" . We are packed and ready to deliver care packages to the elderly tomorrow. It's not about the "stuff" - it's about sharing God's love with these amazing people.
The Talking Bibles did not arrive in time for the trip... but in God's timing we will deliver them in February.
Tomorrow we go up to Titanyen to start our 4 day visit with the elderly. May God fill our hearts with the Holy Spirit so we can follow his direction in our work here.
The Talking Bibles did not arrive in time for the trip... but in God's timing we will deliver them in February.
Tomorrow we go up to Titanyen to start our 4 day visit with the elderly. May God fill our hearts with the Holy Spirit so we can follow his direction in our work here.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Praises and God's word being shared ....
We are overjoyed that the goal of having 30 Talking Bibles has now been achieved. We will be ordering the Bibles today and hope to deliver them over the week of Thanksgiving.
What a Thanksgiving this will be in Haiti -- every elder in the Healing Haiti program will have the word of God to provide them with hope, a purpose for their life and an eternal destiny!
A HUGE thank you to all who donated for these living words....
What a Thanksgiving this will be in Haiti -- every elder in the Healing Haiti program will have the word of God to provide them with hope, a purpose for their life and an eternal destiny!
A HUGE thank you to all who donated for these living words....
“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” Matthew 25: 35-40
Thursday, October 20, 2011
November Haiti Trip
We will be heading to Haiti the week of Thanksgiving and do a "maintenance" run to check on the elders. At that time, we will assess not only the care, physical health and nutrition of the elderly, but we will shine God's love. In turn, we will inevitably be blessed by their faith, welcome smiles and contagious hopefulness.
At this time we have 1/3 of the Talking Bibles donated, and we continue to pray for more donation sponsors to be moved by the Holy Spirit. We will actually purchase all 30 Bibles at one time to receive the cheapest rate.
We also are continuing to seek dedicated sponsors for the 30 elderly. These sponsors can be full-time @ $40 per month or partial sponsors @ $20 a month. These sponsorships help us provide doctor visits, food, water as well as fundamentals like bed mattresses and sheets for each elder.
We are amazed at how God continues to provide for these truly forgotten Haitians.
At this time we have 1/3 of the Talking Bibles donated, and we continue to pray for more donation sponsors to be moved by the Holy Spirit. We will actually purchase all 30 Bibles at one time to receive the cheapest rate.
We also are continuing to seek dedicated sponsors for the 30 elderly. These sponsors can be full-time @ $40 per month or partial sponsors @ $20 a month. These sponsorships help us provide doctor visits, food, water as well as fundamentals like bed mattresses and sheets for each elder.
We are amazed at how God continues to provide for these truly forgotten Haitians.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
ElderCare Update 09/11
We hope this Elder Care news finds all our faithful sponsors healthy and on fire to serve the Lord in any way you are called. This a brief update as to what is happening with the elderly we serve in Haiti.
“So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done for you.”
John 13: 14 & 15
In August, our elder care support team was able to provide a “feet-washing party” for the elderly up at Grace Village. Grace Village is the site being developed to house orphans, elderly and street children as well as provide a place of worship, an education, fish farm and other growth opportunities for the Haitians living in the village of Titanyen.
The elder party involved preaching by our interpreter, FanFan, a meal of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, singing with our driver, Junior, and our two Haitian workers, HenryClaude and Andrenoi. Our support team then washed the feet of each elder and massaged their feet and hands with lotion before giving them each a new pair of flip flops.
The elderly came dressed in their finest clothes for the “party”. They beamed as they praised God and enjoyed the special attention.
It was a day to be reminded they are not forgotten by God or by others. We take every opportunity to remind them of their faithful sponsors who lift them up in prayer.
Food, Water & Work: Meals on Wheels Program and Employment
Two of our elder support team will return to Titanyen, Haiti in November to check on the elders and make sure the program is running smoothly. We hope to deliver adult vitamins, eye drops and muscle rub (BenGay) as well as check on the elder’s medical and spiritual needs. In the meantime, we are blessed by the Healing Haiti mission teams that arrive almost weekly and minister to the elderly in our absence. In this way, the elderly are “watched over” weekly and our Haitian workers, Andrenoi and HenryClaude also have support.
Other than the quarterly visits when the elder support team works in Haiti, we are working hard back in the United States to raise awareness of these truly forgotten Haitians. We are continually telling the story of these elderly and asking God to open up hearts so we can fully sponsor all 30 of the elderly. The $40 a month sponsorship provides basic food and water for each of the elders. Both of which are not prevalent and in abundance for Haitians. Once the Kubota 4-wheeler is unloaded this fall, we hope to begin a feeding program (Haitian Meals-on-Wheels) so elders receive a minimum of one meal a day as well as water.

The photo to the above is of Edmond Honore – one of our more fragile elderly - receiving a much needed bottle of water and touch – both of which are limited for the elderly in Haiti.
The other news from our elder support team is we are now praying and planning to purchase and distribute Creole “Talking Bibles” for the 30 elderly. As we focus on the spiritual needs of our 30 elderly, we are pleased to announce 6 Talking Bibles have already been donated at $50 each.

These are easy-to-operate Bibles that run on batteries. The founder of Talking Bibles, Mark Hoekstra, has given the elder care program one to show potential donors. Mark is pictured here holding the small audio Bible. If you or your group/organization are interested in this project, please let Susan know and you can see/hold the Talking Bible to fully understand its impact. Imagine what this will do for the elderly who cannot read or write, but who will now have the daily opportunity to listen to the word of God and share it with neighbors. This can provide our elderly with a connection/access to God’s word which we take for granted in America. It can also provide the elderly with a purpose as they share the good news with neighbors. Check out the website for more in-depth information about this next drive of the elder care support team of Healing Haiti.
As Haitian elder Vertilia Pierre said, “Prayer is like syrup – give it to me!” We can give prayer and an audio Bible to enhance these elder’s faith journeys.
Monthly Praises:
Monthly Prayers:
Elder, Marie Derisile, with elder care support team member, Linda Blesener, at Marie’s “house.”
If you have any comments, questions or ideas, please call or e-mail Susan at 612-308-3018 or Your prayers for the program and each elderly are valued and needed.
“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”
“So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done for you.”
John 13: 14 & 15
In August, our elder care support team was able to provide a “feet-washing party” for the elderly up at Grace Village. Grace Village is the site being developed to house orphans, elderly and street children as well as provide a place of worship, an education, fish farm and other growth opportunities for the Haitians living in the village of Titanyen.
The elder party involved preaching by our interpreter, FanFan, a meal of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, singing with our driver, Junior, and our two Haitian workers, HenryClaude and Andrenoi. Our support team then washed the feet of each elder and massaged their feet and hands with lotion before giving them each a new pair of flip flops.
The elderly came dressed in their finest clothes for the “party”. They beamed as they praised God and enjoyed the special attention.
It was a day to be reminded they are not forgotten by God or by others. We take every opportunity to remind them of their faithful sponsors who lift them up in prayer.
Food, Water & Work: Meals on Wheels Program and Employment
Two of our elder support team will return to Titanyen, Haiti in November to check on the elders and make sure the program is running smoothly. We hope to deliver adult vitamins, eye drops and muscle rub (BenGay) as well as check on the elder’s medical and spiritual needs. In the meantime, we are blessed by the Healing Haiti mission teams that arrive almost weekly and minister to the elderly in our absence. In this way, the elderly are “watched over” weekly and our Haitian workers, Andrenoi and HenryClaude also have support.
Other than the quarterly visits when the elder support team works in Haiti, we are working hard back in the United States to raise awareness of these truly forgotten Haitians. We are continually telling the story of these elderly and asking God to open up hearts so we can fully sponsor all 30 of the elderly. The $40 a month sponsorship provides basic food and water for each of the elders. Both of which are not prevalent and in abundance for Haitians. Once the Kubota 4-wheeler is unloaded this fall, we hope to begin a feeding program (Haitian Meals-on-Wheels) so elders receive a minimum of one meal a day as well as water.

The photo to the above is of Edmond Honore – one of our more fragile elderly - receiving a much needed bottle of water and touch – both of which are limited for the elderly in Haiti.
The other news from our elder support team is we are now praying and planning to purchase and distribute Creole “Talking Bibles” for the 30 elderly. As we focus on the spiritual needs of our 30 elderly, we are pleased to announce 6 Talking Bibles have already been donated at $50 each.

These are easy-to-operate Bibles that run on batteries. The founder of Talking Bibles, Mark Hoekstra, has given the elder care program one to show potential donors. Mark is pictured here holding the small audio Bible. If you or your group/organization are interested in this project, please let Susan know and you can see/hold the Talking Bible to fully understand its impact. Imagine what this will do for the elderly who cannot read or write, but who will now have the daily opportunity to listen to the word of God and share it with neighbors. This can provide our elderly with a connection/access to God’s word which we take for granted in America. It can also provide the elderly with a purpose as they share the good news with neighbors. Check out the website for more in-depth information about this next drive of the elder care support team of Healing Haiti.
As Haitian elder Vertilia Pierre said, “Prayer is like syrup – give it to me!” We can give prayer and an audio Bible to enhance these elder’s faith journeys.
Monthly Praises:
- For the continuing forward momentum with people interested in praying for and supporting the elderly.
- For the dedicated 4 women of the elder support team who work tirelessly and endlessly!
- For God allowing all of us in America to be part of his plan to touch and help the truly forgotten in Haiti.
- For two of our elders being employed. One is sewing items and one is caring for another elder in the program.
Monthly Prayers:
- For the health of three of our most vulnerable elders: Angeline Joseph, Edmond Honore, and Antoine Clericin.
- For a possible fund raising event that can help provide much needed dollars to purchase vitamins, medicines, food, water and Talking Bibles for the 30 elderly we serve.
- For protection and discernment as two elder care support team members, Susan and Mickey, begin financial, spiritual and physical preparation for the November trip.
Elder, Marie Derisile, with elder care support team member, Linda Blesener, at Marie’s “house.”
If you have any comments, questions or ideas, please call or e-mail Susan at 612-308-3018 or Your prayers for the program and each elderly are valued and needed.
“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Welcome to Healing Haiti Elder Care Program
The Healing Haiti Elder Care Program was created shortly after the 2010 earthquake.
We serve about 30 elderly in the village of Titanyen which is about 1 hour northwest of Port au Prince. Although the average mortality rate in Haiti is about 52 years of age, we serve elderly anywhere from 59 to 103. These elderly are truly the forgotten ones.
The elderly survive with no electricity, no running water, minimal access to food and water, but most of all limited care and love from others. The elder care program attempts to provide consistent food, water and most importantly people to visit the elderly and remind them of God's love for each of them.
Here are some of our favorite quotes from our elderly:
"Prayer is like a syrup - give it to me" - Verilia Pierre
"Prayer is my food and my drink" - Maricia Victor
Please pray for continued health for our elderly. Although we have teams checking on several elderly each week, the elder care support team will visit each of them them personally in November. At that time we will distribute needed medical and personal supplies. Our hope is to purchase a Creole "Talking Bible" for each of them as well.
We serve about 30 elderly in the village of Titanyen which is about 1 hour northwest of Port au Prince. Although the average mortality rate in Haiti is about 52 years of age, we serve elderly anywhere from 59 to 103. These elderly are truly the forgotten ones.
The elderly survive with no electricity, no running water, minimal access to food and water, but most of all limited care and love from others. The elder care program attempts to provide consistent food, water and most importantly people to visit the elderly and remind them of God's love for each of them.
Here are some of our favorite quotes from our elderly:
"Prayer is like a syrup - give it to me" - Verilia Pierre
"Prayer is my food and my drink" - Maricia Victor
Please pray for continued health for our elderly. Although we have teams checking on several elderly each week, the elder care support team will visit each of them them personally in November. At that time we will distribute needed medical and personal supplies. Our hope is to purchase a Creole "Talking Bible" for each of them as well.
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